Getting Started

Whether you are here as a veteran to the industry or this is your very first adventure, we want to welcome you to the opportunity of a lifetime! We have made every effort to make this as simple (and fun) as possible for you. Please take a look around this site as it will provide you the information and help that you need to make the most out of your new business. As a quick reminder if you have any questions please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section of this site because chances are, we got you covered! Now lets begin this new amazing journey together.


You have created your account and placed your order… but now what? This is the best time to create a social post to drum up curiosity with your friends/loved ones. The biggest secret to posting on social media, or with all of your communication in general is to use your voice and share your excitement and passion. Short version: Be excited and also be 100% genuine and authentic. There are many ways that you could do this.

Here is one example:

Hi friends.
I’ve been seeing all sorts of people talking about a product that I’ve been thinking about trying myself for a while and I finally decided to order. If you know me, you know I struggle with losing weight, my digestive issues, and being able to sleep… after reading clinical studies, I've learned this is proven to help with all three of those….
I don’t know what my results will be, but I promise to keep you posted, if this helps me.. I know it can help so many others. ”

Once you have people excited and asking questions you want to reply with your voice if at all possible utilizing the voice memo feature on your phone. Your friends and loved ones need to hear your excitement, your passion, your story and why you are so excited. (insert your reason for why you need this product or what it has already done for you so far.) Just let them know that you want them to feel the same way you do or possibly try it with you but at the very least that you will keep them updated on your personal results.


Being a part of a supportive and encouraging community is such a vital part of this industry. You will most likely be calling a total stranger “brother” or “sister” and exchanging hugs or high fives and happy tears in no time. They will uplift you and support your dreams, sometimes even more than your immediate family, so having access to this community is highly encouraged. Please make sure that you plug yourself and each member of your team into our TEAM HOPSTARS Facebook page. You should also join a Facebook testimonial page called PHIX YOUR HEALTH so that you have access to thousands of product testimonials from all over the world that can be shared by you or used as a reference to someone who you feel can relate to that story and needs this product in their life. Please click here to join the HOPSTARS telegram chat for important team updates!

Important: Every Monday night and Thursday night at 6:PM MST/7:30 CST we do a live call where customers/ISR’s share their testimony and we discuss the product(s) and business. It is a fantastic opportunity to connect your newest or most curious friend or family member to listen in and get all the info to decide if this is something they need in their life as well. The team number(s) will always be the same:

United States: +1 516-387-8005

United Kingdom: +44 330 390 2135

Australia: +61 2 4022 9113

New Zealand: +64 9 884 4767

(Please store this number in your phones so you always have it ready to go and can share)


(Make a post, video, or go live)

The key here is EXCITEMENT and AUTHENTICITY! Have fun with this post. You are about to show your friends and loved ones all over the world what you have been so excited about ordering and you want to re-engage their curiosity and interest. While there are many ways you can go about this and you should chose the method that you are most comfortable with we encourage you to do something like this example: (Makes a video on their iPhone of them placing the drops in their cup or water, sports drink, coffee etc)

“Hey guys!!! It’s finally here, I had to share it with you all! It is supposed to be colorless, tasteless, and odorless so we will see! (Takes a sip or drinks it down) Wow, they were right, I really couldn’t taste that AT ALL… Now if they are right about this melting my visceral fat and helping me be more calm and relaxed while not needing a nap I would say this is pure magic in a bottle!!! Keep you all posted on my results an amazing day!”

Note: You will have 10x more success (even if it is uncomfortable at first) making this post a live video where people can see your excitement and hear your passion!


Congratulations, you are really doing it! Your business has officially launched and now people will be watching you, waiting for results and updates or asking for information. The key to success moving forward will be consistency. (with a note of caution regarding healthy balance) You want to continue to be relevant with your updates and make daily videos for your network, but you also don’t want to allow this to take over your page where you then appear to be a salesperson who joined a crazy cult and forget to post pictures of your family or talk about your daily adventures etc. Always be true, fun, authentic, excited and genuine in your posts but keep that balance in mind.


As your new team begins to grow, like us, they too need to learn the steps to be successful themselves and duplication is the ONLY way this will take place. You will want to make sure that each and every person you bring in to your business is getting connected to this page before anything else.

As you move forward, beyond these five simple steps please make sure to check out our other RESOURCES (products graphics, compensation plan overview, back office training etc)

You can also take a look at our commonly asked Q&A section.