Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much does it cost to order as a Customer?
A: It costs $89/month on autoship, and $99/month if NOT on autoship.
Q: Do I have to remain on Autoship?
A: No, although autoship is required during the initial enrollment kit purchase process, it can be cancelled, or edited at any time after gaining access to the back office and navigating to the “manage autoship” portion of the home screen.
Q: What is AICE and do I need it?
A: AICE is a third party app that is a business building tool available to ISR’s when they join. It is not required at all.
Q: What does “active” mean?
A: To be “active” means that you achieve and maintain at least 50PV ($79) in orders. Please note that these orders can come from your own personal orders monthly OR from any personally enrolled customer that places an order.
Q: What is the difference between hops extract and matured hop extract?
A: Hops extract has been around forever, it is used in all sorts of things from sleep aids to beer, you can get it online anywhere. Matured hop extract (MHE3) has only been available for consumption worldwide since summer 2024, it contains three bitter acids and these delicate bitter acids are what trigger the bitter receptors which allow the vagus nerve in the body to activate and you can only get it thru our company.
Q: How often do I take pHix?
A: You can take (1.2ml) once or twice daily. It has been recommended to initially take it twice daily, 7-8 hours apart for the first 12 weeks to gain the highest level of results physiologically.
Q: Is there an age limit for pHix?
A: Although every herbalist, naturopathic and medicinal doctor have so far approved that there is no issue with age or the ability to “overdose” it will always be recommended to ask your personal doctor or primary care provider for more clarification and recommended dosage. The youngest known child taking Phix for constipation is 24 months old.
Q: Should I drink a lot of water while taking pHix?
A: Yes! The matured hop extract in Phix is proven in the human trials to literally melt away visceral fat. This fat contains all of the toxins we consume daily that are responsible for over 200 health related diseases. When these toxins are released from the fat the body needs to rid them immediately so the more water you drink the faster you will flush them. Shoot for your body weight in oz of water if possible.
Q: Can I take pHix before bed?
A: Yes. There is no caffeine or stimulant in matured hop extract.
Q: Is pHix gluten free?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you take pHix if you are allergic to beer?
A: Most people don’t realize that the allergy associated with beer is typically a gluten allergy, which comes from barley not hops, however if you have a hops allergy it’s advised to consult with a doctor before consuming.
Q: What drink can I mix my pHix into?
A: 4oz of water is the preferred method but it can be mixed into any beverage, hot or cold.
Q: Can I take Phix with other medication or supplements.
A: Yes
Q: Can I take pHix while pregnant and or nursing?
A: We encourage you to always have them refer to their primary care provider and if they do not have one to at least research until they feel comfortable.
Q: Where are the hops (for pHix)sourced from?
A: The Hops are sourced from the nutrient rich soils of New Zealand and then is manufactured in Maple Grove Minnesota.
Q: How long does a does of pHix last?
A: Although a 1.2ml dose of Phix will burn visceral fat for up to 9.5 hours for added results, an additional 1.2 ml dose can be taken at the 7-8 hour mark.
Q: How often are we paid?
A: All commissions earned are paid weekly. The pay week runs from Friday morning midnight - Thursday night at 11:59:59 North American CST. (Note: 1% global diamond pool is a monthly check and is divided equally among all current diamonds.)
Q: Where do I find my referral link?
A: Go to and click “back office login” once you login, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and you will see referral links. The top link MARKETPLACE is for customers and your PHIX ENROLLMENT PAGE is the link for ISR’s.
Q: Why can’t I see my newest ISR in my visual tree?
A: They will not be visible until you place them in the tree. It is highly recommended to reach out to your sponsor/leader and have them explain to you how to place so you can avoid any accidental placement.
Q: What is the return policy?
A: If a retail or preferred customer tries our products and is not 100% satisfied, they must return any remaining unopened product(s) in resalable condition within 90 days of the purchase date for a partial refund by following the steps below.
Q: How much do I make if I sign up a new ISR or customer?
A: You will make $40 on a new ISR and $10-$20 on a retail customer depending on whether or not they are on autoship.
Q: Why are we patent pending and not fully patented?
A: The microbiologist who developed the extraction process for the MHE3 partnered with the owner and they agreed to keep the process in “pending” status to protect it from being duplicated in the future thus allowing MPG to truly have exclusivity.
Q: What is rollover volume?
A: This is the leftover volume that is not applied towards your rank. Any leftover strong leg volume will “rollover” to the following month. This will accrue forever as long as you remain “active” by maintaining 50PV each month. (maximum of 600,000 in volume)
Q: Why is there a line through my left leg or right leg when I am trying to place a new ISR in the holding tank?
A: This means that the spot you are trying to place has already been filled by someone else above you in your team leg. You will need to go to business, then the visual tree and click “bottom left” or bottom right” to compress that leg and see who is currently at the bottom. Then go back to business and holding tank and put that bottom ISR’s name into the ISR you are looking to place under instead. (IMPORTANT) if placing on the left side, always place “Left Leg” and if placing on the right side always select “right leg” unless otherwise told by your upline.
Q: Is there an app that can help me check my results or body composition?
A: Currently there is a popular body scanning app called “ME THREE SIXTY 3D body scanner”. It is available in the App Store for both android and iPhone.
Q: Am I paid on anyone in my “holding tank”?
A: Yes and no. Yes the commissions will reflect from the initial ISR purchase in your back office but until the ISR is placed in to the binary, the actual team commission (cycles & rank volume will not apply to either that current pay week or month end for ranks.